Self service gaming loyalty kiosk systems are expected to grow mainstream within casinos, especially as they aim to maximize their revenue and reduce overhead costs. Apart from offering great ROI potential gaming loyalty kiosk systems are also very flexible in applications which can offer customers convenience, while streamlining common casino transactions for the owners. Whether it’s traditional cash-in/cash-out transactions, loyalty card kiosks, event ticketing or self service sport booking. There’s a kiosk that suits every gaming client base. OLEA’s engineering team can customize a Gaming Loyalty Kiosk system to compliment the specific needs of a unique casino or gaming establishment.
Top 3 Reasons Explained
- User Convenience: The automated system allows users to check points, receive cash disbursement or add value to their cards at their own convenience. The self service aspect offers additional user convenience as the traditional wait time associated with these tasks is virtually eliminated.
- Increased Revenue: Owners can promote special offers, incentives and new products through the automated kiosk, which can help facilitate further profits. Giving products and services more exposure allows the owner to reach a wider audience than before. These gaming loyalty kiosks can also lead to more revenue as players visit more frequently and play repetitively through the incentive of loyalty programs.
- Decreased Overhead Costs: Gaming Loyalty Kiosk systems help casinos cut costs by offering greater efficiency in multiple aspects. Remote monitoring capabilities can help significantly reduce the chance of reporting errors which maintains the integrity of the data. In addition, gaming loyalty kiosks eliminates a large percentage of staff overhead as fewer employees are needed for manually counting tokens, hopper re-filling as well as cashiers.
Call OLEA’s Engineering Team today, and see what applications we can create for your casino.