Infographic as a PDF: The Trend of Self-Service Kiosks
Self-Service Kiosk Machines
Self-Service is everywhere and according to new market reports and trends. Self-Service Check-in Kiosk machines will be adapted soon by Hospitals, Clinics and Doctor’s offices!
- 92% Of surveyors have used a Self-Service Kiosk Machine. (Airport, Store, Mall, etc.)
- 99% of surveyors use technology as part of their daily routine!
- 8% Of surveyors have NOT used a Self-Service Kiosk. But are curious about the technology.
- 1.6 Million units deployed in 2010
- 2.5 Million units projected to be deployed by 2015
- $130,000,000,000: How much larger the U.S. economy would be if self-service technology were widely deployed!
Surveyors were also asked “Have you used a Self-Service Kiosk at the doctor’s office?”
- 77% Of surveyors have NOT used a Kiosk at the Doctor’s office. But would if it was available.
- Over 50% of surveyors feel lack of privacy when providing personal information out loud to a receptionist.
- 10% Of surveyors have used a kiosk machine at the Doctor’s office.
Quotes From the Survey
“I always choose self-service options if they are available.”
“We don’t have a kiosk machine at my doctor’s office but when we do, I will definitely use it!”
“I will feel more comfortable not verbalizing at check-in… especially when there are strangers standing in line behind me.”
Common Features of Patient Check-In Kiosks
- Verify/update demographics, meaningful use, email, phone
- Available 24/7 for patients in Hospitals
- Scan insurance card, driver license & other forms
- Pay co-pay &/or due balances
- Check-in & alert staff for appointment