News & Articles

People Shopping for Kiosks
How Secure Is Your Data?Check Out Our New Malware-Scrubbing Kiosks

Malware attacks can cripple a company’s infrastructure.  Protecting your organization from hidden malicious code is an ongoing challenge for all.  As recent headlines have shown (Duqu, Stuxnet, Flame, etc.), targeted malware attacks are on the rise. Many of these attacks are now coming into secure facilities via external media and devices requiring IT and security professionals to find new tools and solutions to…

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Building Passive Income through Internet Kiosks Can Be Easy

More and more people are discovering that internet kiosks can be a reliable source of passive income. Owning an internet kiosk business allows one to make money around -the-clock and with a very minimal time or monetary commitment needed for operation.  While these kiosks are no longer a novel concept in themselves, generating income from them is still something new to many. Here…

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How iPad Kiosk POS Systems Can Help Small Businesses Save on Overhead

The use of iPad kiosk stands are providing cost savings benefits in numerous industries today. Small businesses, in particular, are benefiting greatly from the unique advantages created by these systems. When integrated with the right hardware, iPad table and floor mounts can serve as a cost effective point of sales (POS) system. In particular, restaurants, retail establishments and grocery stores are seeing the…

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Public Sector and Government Kiosks Offer Faster and More Efficient Service

Public Sector Kiosks give a number of organizations an efficient way to administer the necessary applications to their audience through a wide range of functions. While these kiosks can vary widely within their capabilities, they generally serve similar purposes in helping to reduce congestion, wait times and lessen the costs associated with staff needed to perform relevant tasks. This can include facilitates such…

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The Advantages of Using Hospitality Kiosks

Today, Hospitality Kiosks can be commonly found in establishments such as hotels, convention centers, resorts and restaurants. These kiosks are designed to empower guests to access needed information on their own schedule, but surprisingly, they can also be a good source of revenue for their owners. Here are four perks that come with having a hospitality kiosk in your establishment: Round the Clock…

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ROI Opportunities in Ticketing Kiosks

Ticketing Kiosks are not new to the industry of self-service applications as most major transportation companies and entertainment ticket distributors already utilize a solution in one form or another. Most of the ROI benefits of ticketing kiosks come in measurable increments, while others are subtle benefits that still ultimately impact a company’s bottom line. Features and Benefits of Ticketing Kiosks One of the…

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Please fill out the form for an immediate consultation or a quote. Tell us about your application, project scope and requirements and we will contact you as quickly as we can. Or give us a call!

13845 Artesia Blvd.
Cerritos, California 90703
800 927 8063
562 924 2644
[email protected]
Manufactured in the USA

Please fill out the form below for an immediate consultation or a quote, we will contact you as quickly as we can. Thanks!
Tell us about your application, project scope and requirements. Or give us a call!
Olea Kiosks Inc. 13845 Artesia Blvd. Cerritos, California 90703
p: 800 927 8063
p: 562 924 2644
[email protected]
Manufactured in the USA [related-links][the_application_list]
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