If you’re in business, you’re in sales. At least that’s the maxim that acknowledges that no matter whether we ever meet an honest-to-goodness customer or not, each of us has priorities we believe should be higher inside the organization, projects that should be more imperative and data that should receive more urgent attention. You get the picture. And for every argument to acquire new technology, there is someone who must make it and someone (and often several people) to whom it must be made.
The executives at Olea Kiosks understand this internal sales dynamic from our nearly 40 years helping prospects convince their colleagues that projects for displays and kiosks warrant buy-in and support.
- C-Suite, where executives watch the spreadsheets and often must please a board of directors who wants results yesterday
- IT Department, where any new technology can mean new installation work, more maintenance and even increased security threat
- Staff, who can prove easily threatened and resistant to change
That’s why we have developed this series of articles. We believe the case for the deployment of kiosks is easily made if the right information gets in front of the right people at the right time. It’s merely a matter of understanding the concerns of each group and highlighting the relevant data. If that internal sales person is you—if you are in a position to champion a kiosk project inside your organization but aren’t sure how to approach stakeholders—please consider these documents the keys to your first steps on that road.

Statistics and Numbers Guide the Persuasion
Executives are busy. They tend to be bottom-line oriented. And because many of them report to a board that demands profits today, not slow maturation toward them down the road, they often focus on solutions that can deliver positive results today. Fortunately, anyone wanting to convince such an executive of the value of a kiosk project has numerous studies and statistics that demonstrate how many invested businesses are increasing profits through automated customer service. For example:
- A study of one industry reported that over 65% of millenials, the fastest-growing population demographic, prefer using self-service machines to traditional customer service methods. By listening to the growing demand for a better digital experience, some companies are seeing net margin increases of almost 5%.
- One national chain set out to increase its base of return customers through the use of digital kiosks. The chain was able to configure kiosk software to meet the complex nature of the organization’s internal infrastructure, and after deployment, saw a 33% increase in repeat business.
- In a case study of a global brand that redesigned its digital experience, executives reported more streamlined customer visits, as self-service kiosks helped people more acutely wayfind through sprawling facilities, process payments more quickly, and gave better access to loyalty program rewards. The study further notes that the organization realized over 10 times its original investment into digital kiosks.
Digital Signage Influences Purchasing Decisions

With hardware technology advancements, self-service kiosks now come equipped with first-class, high-resolution screens meant to boost the impact of digital signage.
Statistically, one in every five U.S. customers has decided to purchase an item after it was advertised or shown as digital signage. Another 68% of Americans claim that they have bought an item because they were attracted to it by a digital advertisement.
Additionally, research shows that in conjunction with digital signage, consumers are also more likely to make to take advantage of up-selling and cross-selling opportunities. One global brand reported that consumers spent 20% more when purchasing through a self-service kiosk.
Build Brand Awareness and Customer Loyalty

There is also strong evidence that digital signage and the quality of a digital experience directly influences customer perception. One study shows that 68% of consumers think a business’s overall service capacity is reflected by the quality of its digital experience, and that digital signage and well-designed self-service kiosks can increase brand awareness by close to 50%.
In addition, through the use of quick, easy, and seamless kiosk encounters, many brands are capitalizing on the nearly 75% of consumers who say they would recommend businesses to others when they are impressed with automated customer service.
Aside from benefiting from good references or reviews, one of the biggest advantages of creating brand preference through the use of kiosks is to help ensure that customers will keep coming back.
Repeat business is one of the most valued revenue generators for businesses, and researchers estimate that increasing the amount of return customers can grow profits by an average of 55%. Automated customer service kiosks make enrollments into customer loyalty programs easy, which helps increase engagement opportunities and promote customer loyalty.
Contact Olea Kiosks Today
Many executives of service providers are seeking to increase revenues through the employment of cutting-edge digital kiosks. Kiosks provide organizations with flexibility, and user-friendly software can be easily configured to suit your customers’ unique needs. Contact Olea Kiosks today to find out how to maximize ROI potential with our first-class, award-winning digital kiosks.