Kiosk information site, Kiosk Market Place, catches up with Rob at CETW about the new self service system for retail that debuted in San Francisco. Quality, style, function, and lower cost are the focus of this design to meet required needs and concerns of customers. As well as the growing demands of businesses looking for kiosk services like endless aisle, loyalty, order entry,…
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It’s not very often that we’re pushed by a fellow designer to create custom retail kiosk machines that are even more unique than what we’ve already designed for them but this was the case when working with store designers at Bon-Ton on their new Endless Aisle Kiosks. We delivered what I felt was a good looking design but was probably too safe and…
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In partnership with Santiago based systems integrator Coasin, Olea Kiosks has deployed Metro22 kiosks in Petrobras locations in Chile. Petrobras is the country’s largest petrol provider. The self order kiosks serve customers ordering food, cold drinks, desserts, and coffee. Check out this video of the Metro22 kiosk in action. Need your own retail kiosk? Call 800 927 8063 or Email Us Now!
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The MetroLite is the newest addition to Olea’s 2012 standard lineup of modern kiosks. Inspired by their popular Metropolis kiosk, the MetroLite was designed to have the smallest footprint with the biggest visual and user friendly impact for Retail and various other application needs. Olea Kiosks debuted the new units earlier this week at the annual Customer Engagement Technology World Expo in San…
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