Throughout medical history, physicians have followed the ethical guidelines of the Hippocratic oath, which includes the solemn promise to keep patient information strictly confidential. This commitment to privacy has become tougher as healthcare providers have begun to modernize through digitization, and healthcare kiosks can play a key role in helping IT departments keep sensitive information secure. New Federal Laws Challenge Providers to DigitizeThe…
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People are returning to cities in such large numbers, the 2010s are being called the ‘decade of the city.’ In this Olea exclusive white paper, we look at how self-service kiosks and digital signage are helping officials make it easier for them to travel, find their way around and even keep one another safe. Download “Kiosks and the Emergence of the Smarter City” Whitepaper
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As brick and mortar retail stores throughout the world increasingly find themselves competing with ecommerce vendors for product sales, it’s more important than ever for them to win over walk-in customers. In order to help maximize revenue generated from foot traffic, many retail store owners are boosting their customer bases and scoring repeat business by offering an impressive self-service experience through digital retail…
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Sales is all about finding leads, courting a potential customer and then closing the deal. In a recent survey of 4,500 marketing and sales professionals, 65 percent named their top challenge as finding high quality leads, specifically contact information for possible clients. To combat this challenge, many forward-thinking sales managers are utilizing digital kiosks placed in everyday, high-traffic locations like malls or grocery…
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Infographic as a PDF: Micromarket Kiosks: Providing Fast, Fresh & Convenient Eating Options
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Among all corporate departments, arguably none has experienced the modern expansion and increased complexity of duties such as those faced by the good folks down in human resources. While most employees can guess a few of their roles or recall them from experience, the array of modern HR responsibilities is much broader than payroll, insurance and sounding board for staff grievances. They also…
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