News and Articles

HIMSS 2018 Conference

Join Olea Kiosks at booth #1269 at the HIMMS 2018 conference on March 5-9, 2018 at the Venetian-Palazzo Sands Expo Center in Las Vegas, NV. The HIMSS Annual Conference & Exhibition brings together 40,000+ health IT professionals, clinicians, executives and vendors from around the world. Exceptional education, world-class speakers, cutting-edge health IT products and powerful networking are hallmarks of this industry-leading conference. Olea…

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6 Ways That Patient Check-In Kiosks Are Enhancing Healthcare

Pressure is always on for healthcare providers to operate more efficiently while also providing better care and health outcomes. One way to accomplish this seemingly impossible task is a healthcare kiosk. This article addresses six benefits of patient check-in kiosks in a healthcare setting. 1) Healthcare Kiosks Streamline Patient Check-in Checking-in-patients is the “low-hanging fruit” in healthcare kiosk deployment. Kiosk systems can be…

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AMD Global Telemedicine Announces Strategic Partnership with Olea Kiosks

AMD Global Telemedicine Inc. (AMD), the pioneer of clinical Telemedicine Encounter Management Solutions (TEMS) ®, and Olea Kiosks Inc, the premier global designer and manufacturer of self-service kiosks, announce a partnership to deliver customized kiosks for telehealth applications. The two long-standing healthcare vendors have combined their engineering and technology resources to offer a solution that addresses increasing demands for areas such as chronic disease management,…

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The Faceoff: Kiosks vs. Tablets in HR and Health Care

The choice between a tablet and a full-size kiosk comes down to the purpose for which it will be used. Although kiosk technology is becoming commonplace in a variety of verticals, areas where it has had a particular impact include both human resources and health care. On the human resources side, many companies are placing job application kiosks in retail stores or other…

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Healthcare by Kiosk Promises to Improve Access, Lower Costs, Part II

As market forces drive telehealth to the headlines, kiosks can play a vital role in its adoption. In Part I (read it here), we examined the economic climate that has proved conducive to the development of telehealth as a new model of healthcare. Here, we explore deployment of the model via self-service kiosk. Open wide and say ‘kiosk’Some analysts believe self-service kiosks will…

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Telehealth Kiosks to Improve Access, Costs, Part I

By delivering services where consumers live and work, telehealth providers eye a new, more efficient channel for medical care. No matter what a person’s political persuasion may be, there’s one thing on which nearly everyone can agree: Healthcare costs continue to rise despite efforts to rein them in. Fortunately, telehealth and self-service kiosks can offer relief. Read Part II here … The U.S….

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Please fill out the form for an immediate consultation or a quote. Tell us about your application, project scope and requirements and we will contact you as quickly as we can. Or give us a call!

13845 Artesia Blvd.
Cerritos, California 90703
800 927 8063
562 924 2644
[email protected]
Manufactured in the USA

Please fill out the form below for an immediate consultation or a quote, we will contact you as quickly as we can. Thanks!
Tell us about your application, project scope and requirements. Or give us a call!
Olea Kiosks Inc. 13845 Artesia Blvd. Cerritos, California 90703
p: 800 927 8063
p: 562 924 2644
[email protected]
Manufactured in the USA [related-links][the_application_list]
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