To secure a larger market share, financial industry leaders are searching for new ways to build brand identity and educate potential customers about their latest offerings. In an annual survey of 760 financial institutions, 54 percent of respondents said the most important focus for 2017 was to make the customer journey easier and more straightforward. For many bank managers, employing digital banking kiosks…
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We’re all familiar with the original financial services kiosk–the bank ATM, but today there are several different types of kiosks that support the finance industry. Financial services kiosks enable users to pay bills, transfer cash, convert currency, or handle other financial transactions. The purpose behind these kiosks is to deliver convenience. And while many of these transactions can be completed online, an online application or…
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Interactive kiosks are everywhere! Nearly every day in the news there is a new story of kiosks being deployed in a wide variety of applications intended to create greater efficiency in a variety of industries, including retail, food service, casino gaming, government agencies, school campuses, and more. With so many success stories, many businesses see digital kiosks as a “magic bullet” that is…
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Self-service purchasing is changing the way we shop. 85% of Americans have used a self-service kiosk and that number is even higher for younger age groups. Consumers love the convenience and efficiency, and businesses love the ROI and faster queue turns. Self-service kiosks are a win-win. Self-Service Technologies Improve the Bottom Line According to some studies, self-service touch screen kiosks can also lead…
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Consumers are becoming increasingly comfortable with conducting transactions on their smartphones and other mobile devices, as evidenced by the rapid growth of Apple Pay since its launch in October 2014. With the expected continued expansion of Apple Pay in 2015, it is important that self-service checkout systems, such as interactive retail kiosks, are outfitted with mobile payment options. Infographic as a PDF: Integration of Apple Pay…
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The self-service kiosk industry grew 24% globally in 2013, and it is projected to continue this growth trend for at least the next five years[1]. Increasingly, consumers are not only open to the idea of using a self-service checkout option, such as an interactive kiosk, but as the general public’s comfort level with these self-service technologies grow, consumers often demand a self-service checkout…
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